Looking for an Electrician to Install Outdoor Lighting? 
One of our favourite parts of electrical work here at TCA Electric is the incredible variety of projects we get to complete for our clients. As a top Vancouver electrical contractor, we’ve been the top electrician for everything from home upgrades to outdoor lighting, marina projects, commercial upgrades, and more.
Our Project Spotlights blog series is our space to highlight the wide variety of work we do. For today’s spotlight, we’re taking a look at a project we completed for a developer and their contracting team here in Vancouver. Our client knew TCA as a reliable and skilled electrician, and they called on our team for a significant outdoor lighting project in North Vancouver’s emerging Craft Brewery District. Let’s take a look at the project!
Our client: Dan-Ex Contracting
For this project, we were called in by Dan-Ex Contracting, a longtime contracting associate of ours. Dan-Ex is a North Vancouver-based general contractor whose work more than speaks for itself. We first worked with them on Lynnwood Marina back in 2009, and since then we have maintained a strong business relationship.
Over the last 13 years, we’ve been their go-to electrician partner for many outdoor and street lighting projects, as well as underground conduits and overhead power lines. So when the developer they were working with needed several street lights and walkway lights installed, Dan-Ex called on TCA Electric to get the job done!
The project: Outdoor lighting for a new North Vancouver development
Dan-Ex had been called in to work on a new North Vancouver development, located near the emerging Craft Brewery district east of Lonsdale Avenue. The developer wanted to add in new street lighting as well as lighting along the sidewalk of the development. They were hoping to work with an electrician that had expertise in outdoor lighting, as any installations and work done would have to ultimately be approved by the City of Vancouver. That left little margin for error on this project!
The challenges: Sourcing materials and balancing costs
We faced a couple significant challenges during this project. The first was determining the best and most cost-effective solution to match the project engineer’s vision for the lighting. The engineer had requested a very specific outlet installation for the landscape lighting, but our client determined this would be too costly. It was up to our team to come up with a solution that would satisfy both parties.
In addition, this project presented us with major challenges in sourcing materials in a timely manner. The pandemic, flooding in BC, and ongoing supply chain issues all conspired to make electrical materials much more difficult to come by. Our team would have to use all the resources we had to ensure this project maintained its timeline!
The result: Gorgeous and functional outdoor light fixtures
Project Manager John Urrea headed up this job, and when it comes to street lighting, John knew he’d need TCA team members Michael (as lead electrician) and Karen (as electrician). Both have a host of experience in outdoor lighting projects, and with Michael’s enthusiasm and Karen’s organizational skills, this was truly a dream team.
In the end, TCA Electric came through for our client in fine style. We were able to come up with a cost-effective landscape lighting solution that satisfied both our client and the engineering team. While sourcing materials was difficult, TCA has built strong relationships with many vendors over the years, and this helped us get everything we needed to complete the job on time.
TCA Is Vancouver’s Go-To Electrician for Outdoor Lighting
Whether it’s street lighting, walkway lighting, landscape lighting, or any other form of outdoor lighting array, TCA Electric is Vancouver’s leading electrician for the job. We love working on outdoor projects, as these projects often mean we get to contribute to new, up-and-coming public spaces like the Craft Brewery District. It’s wonderful to see our work come together, especially when we get to see others enjoy the newly illuminated space for the first time!
To see more exciting projects from the TCA team, be sure to subscribe to our blog and catch up with us on our social channels: Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.