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Complete Your Remodel in Time for the Holidays

For many, the pandemic has been a time to reflect on the way we live our lives. Maybe you’ve enjoyed the flexibility of remote work and would like to continue even as life returns to normal. Or maybe you’re welcoming the extra time spent at home near family, friends, and beloved pets. But this can also be a time to reflect on our living spaces and consider the ways in which our homes could feel even more like—well, home! At TCA Electric, we’ve found that many folks are considering electrical upgrades in 2020, and we’re happy to help make those dreams a reality. And as the calendar turns, now is the time to call on your Vancouver electrician to complete your remodel before the holidays arrive.

How can you improve your home?

Though the circumstances have been unfortunate, many of us have spent a lot more time at home in 2020. And all that time offers you a chance to reflect on what aspects of your home could use improvement. Are your appliances old and inefficient? Are you craving the convenience of home automation devices? Or, aside from electrical upgrades, maybe you’re finally itching to start on that addition or remodel. All of these are great places to start when it comes to upgrading your home!

There’s still time to upgrade before the holidays!

Home upgrades can give you and your family a sense of pride in the house you live in. But it can also feel great to share that pride with family and friends as they gather in your space for holiday celebrations. While it may seem late in the year, there’s still plenty of time to install upgrades in your home before those holidays arrive! If you coordinate with a reliable electrician in Vancouver, they’ll be more than happy to help you spruce up your home well before your extended family comes calling.

What are the most popular electrical upgrades?

While you probably have plenty of ideas for upgrades already, we’re always happy to share some more. Here are some of the most popular electrical upgrades we’re asked about as a professional Vancouver electrician.

LED lighting

We always recommend LED lighting upgrades to homeowners, and for good reason. LED lighting installation is quite affordable, and these fixtures last much longer while saving a great deal of energy compared to their incandescent and fluorescent counterparts. They’re also highly flexible, letting you pick the perfect color and brightness to suit any space!

Smart home upgrades

The year 2020 has been huge for home automation and smart home upgrades. From smart thermostats to smart home hubs, smart devices can do a whole lot for you and for family, offering unmatched convenience while helping you save energy. If this is your first foray into home automation, check out our previous blog on some of the basic devices you can get started with.

Added square footage and suites

Recently, many homeowners have added on to their homes or looked to finish areas such as basements to give them more square footage. While not directly an electrical upgrade, the fact is that some electrical work will likely be necessary as you expand your living space. This can take the form of new wiring and outlets, lighting, and oftentimes a service upgrade, as the added living area typically means more power will need to be sent to your home. Before starting any addition or remodel, it’s a good idea to consult with a Vancouver electrician to see what electrical work may be needed!

TCA Electric: Top Electrician Vancouver

As you go about planning your remodel, you’ll want to partner with a Vancouver electrician you can trust. In these times, that means a professional electrical contractor who can do the job right while safely providing their services. At TCA Electric, we feel we fit that bill perfectly. Quality, customer satisfaction, and safety are our top priorities. What’s more, we have the experience and know-how to complete any electrical upgrade you may be considering, from basic installations to service upgrades to complete electrical remodels. Ready to get started? Contact us today and let’s get your home upgraded in time for the holidays!

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