Your CleanBC EPR Questions Answered

Have Questions About the CleanBC EPR Requirement? TCA Has Answers!

As part of the CleanBC sustainability initiative here in British Columbia, many strata complexes have been required to develop an Electrical Planning Report, or EPR for short. This comprehensive report outlines electrical capacity and needed upgrades for strata complexes throughout the province in order to foster more electrification. Our team at TCA Electric has fully educated ourselves on this process—but understandably, we’ve found many strata stakeholders still have a lot of questions regarding the CleanBC EPR requirements.

To help everyone get on the same page, we’ve developed an FAQ answering many of the top questions about this new requirement, why it was put in place, and key facts about steps strata owners will need to take. 

What Is the CleanBC EPR Requirement?

The CleanBC EPR is a new requirement, passed by the government of British Columbia in December 2023, mandating that strata corporations create a specialized report—and EPR—on their electrical systems. 

What Is an EPR?

EPR stands for Electrical Planning Report. It is a comprehensive document providing a complete assessment of a strata corporation’s current electrical capacity, future needs, and more.

Is the EPR the Same as an EV Ready Plan?

No. Where the EV Ready Plan focuses on electric vehicle charging setups, the EPR is much more comprehensive, covering a complex’s entire electrical system. The EPR is also legally required, while the EV Ready Plan is optional and (generally) required only for rebates.

Who Must Complete the CleanBC EPR?

All strata corporations of 5 or more strata lots must obtain an electrical planning report.

When Is the Deadline?

The earliest deadline to complete the electrical planning report is December 31, 2026 for stratas in the Capital Regional District, Fraser Valley District, and the Metro Vancouver Regional District. Stratas in all other areas of BC must complete this report by December 31, 2028.

Who Can Write the Electrical Planning Report?

For strata buildings categorized as Part 9 (“Simple”) by the BC Building Code, the electrical planning report may be completed by a licensed electrician, an electrical engineer, or an applied science technologist. For Part 3 (“Complex”) buildings, only an electrical engineer or applied science technologist may complete the report. 

Our team at TCA is thrilled to offer a streamlined process for your Part 3 building report! We have an experienced electrical engineer on our team, allowing us to deliver comprehensive Part 3 reports managed entirely in-house. This means you only need to contact TCA—we handle everything for a seamless experience.  

Why Is This Report Required?

As part of CleanBC’s goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and foster greater electrification, these reports will provide the BC government a clearer picture of where strata complexes are and what upgrades will be needed.

What Is Electrification?

Electrification involves moving away from using fuels like oil, natural gas, and coal and shifting toward cleaner energy sources, like hydroelectric power. For strata complexes, many buildings can be electrified by changing heating and cooling systems and making key upgrades to meet higher energy efficiency standards.

What Are the Benefits of the EPR?

Besides compliance requirements, the EPR is a great tool to help strata complexes plan for future upgrades to their building. The report helps stakeholders to future-proof, identify systems most in need of upgrades, and create a budget for completing these upgrades.

What Incentives Are Available for Electrical Upgrades?

There are numerous incentives and rebates available for various high-efficiency and sustainable electrical upgrades made to strata complexes. 

  • EV charging rebates are available through BC Hydro and CleanBC 
  • Heat pump rebate programs are offered by CleanBC, FortisBC, and BC Hydro
  • BC Hydro offers rebates of up to 75% on eligible energy-efficient lighting retrofits (typically LED). Applications must be submitted by a BC Hydro Alliance member, like our team at TCA

How Do I Get Started?

To get started, you’ll want to work with a licensed and qualified electrician in Vancouver. At TCA Electric, we’ve already begun working with strata stakeholders to plan, develop, and complete their EPR to meet CleanBC requirements and create a vision for the future. Reach out to our team today to start the process!

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